The Royal Hawaiian Groin Replacement project wins the ASCE Region 8’s Project of the Year for projects under $10M! This is truly an amazing project and we are so appreciative of the recognition!
The original Royal Hawaiian Groin, built in 1927, and performs the critical function of holding sand on Waikiki Beach for many years. Over time, the 350-foot-long groin began showing signs of deterioration, including large voids, cracks, and bowing. A challenge was to increase crest elevation to account for future sea level rise without further increasing the structure footprint.
To address future sea level rise, the team integrated a concrete crest wall into the armor stone crest. The new concrete crest cap also provides the groin with the general appearance of the original Royal Hawaiian Groin but incorporates SLR resiliency into the design of rubble mound structures with increasing structure footprint and environmental impacts.