Take a look at Sea Engineering’s cutting edge Computational Fluid Dynamics modeling techniques making waves in support of the surf park community with numerical simulation of proposed new wave generation technologies to help assess wave park success and increase surfer stroke.
Sea Engineering possesses a diverse yet unique set of skills related to engineering in the marine environment—to which, all surf parks and wave pools belong. We are able to assist surf park developers and designers with a wide swathe of wave and water-related engineering and design considerations as well as numerical simulations and research and development, all of which may be required during the planning, design and construction stages of their projects. In addition to engineering and design assistance, we also offer experienced hands-on support with a crew of professional engineers and engineering/commercial divers for prototype testing or new systems startup, including activities like: underwater structural inspections and submerged maintenance activities; deployment of in-situ monitoring instrumentation such as wave gages, pressure sensors and current meters; corrosion monitoring; and, general in-water troubleshooting and technical support.
In recent years, we’ve worked with a number of different clients to develop high resolution computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models, which are a complex but powerful type of numerical modeling used to simulate the physics of fluid (air & water) motion, to quantitatively measure the performance of proposed new wave generation systems, and similarly to assess the surfability characteristics of those waves, which are often breaking over proprietary bathymetry (bottom contours), through use of high fidelity animated visualizations of the CFD data.
Sea Engineering has also designed adaptive shoreline concepts to aid in absorbing excess wave energy in the surfing basin in order to attenuate unwanted surge, reflections, and basin oscillations in the pool or lagoon, keeping the lineup smooth and chop-free. For one particular client, we’ve performed extensive R&D related to wave flume testing of undisclosed materials for shoreline treatments, as well as concept development for adaptive reefs. We’ve also assisted partner engineering disciplines within a project effort by supplying design criteria such as maximum wave forces for structural elements like mechanical supports, basin walls, safety nets, etc. within the wave basin, or by providing design high-water levels for required wall heights around the basin, and so on. Come to think of it, we’ve provided an incredible amount of supporting data and design criteria for multiple elements of engineering and construction within a surf park basin.